A man was punished for collecting mushrooms in the Chornobyl zone

Chornobyl forest. Photo: mi100.info

In Ukraine, a man was prosecuted for collecting mushrooms in the Chornobyl exclusion zone. Meanwhile, he did not have any permits or passes.

This is stated in the court verdict published in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions.

Case details

Yes, on September 12 of this year, he was in the Chornobyl NPP zone without a permit or pass. The man went there to get mushrooms. Therefore, he violated the requirements "On the legal status of the territory exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the Chornobyl disaster."

The suspect did not appear in court and did not report the reason for his absence.

Court decision

The court found the man guilty of committing an administrative offense — violation of radiation safety requirements in a specially defined zone of radiation contamination.

He was fined in the amount of 20 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens and ordered to pay a court fee.

Previously, the self-settled people in the Chornobyl exclusion zone are regularly visited by reserve workers. Currently, their number is about ten.

In addition, two deaths occurred in Prykarpattia during a mushroom-picking tour. The bodies of both residents were found in the forest.