Language scandal in a Kyiv bookstore — the police reacted

Conflict in Kyiv bookstore over Russian language — police investigated
Law enforcement officers sit at a table. Illustrative photo:

A dispute broke out in a Kyiv bookstore over a language issue — a man reacted aggressively to remarks about the use of the Russian language. The police drew up an administrative report.

This was reported by the press service of the Kyiv police on Tuesday, November 5.

Language conflict in a Kyiv bookstore-cafe 

According to the police, during monitoring of social networks, a publication was discovered in which a girl talks about a conflict with a stranger in a bookstore-cafe.

The girl noted that she reproved a visitor for talking in Russian and tried to record the man on her own mobile phone. The offender reacted aggressively and snatched the gadget from her hands.

Later, law enforcement officers established that the offender turned out to be a 44-year-old resident of the Kyiv region.

It is known that an administrative report was drawn up against the man for disorderly conduct.

"In addition, the collected materials will be sent to the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language for consideration and bringing the violator to justice," the report says.

It should be reminded, that another video is spreading on the Internet in which Odesa City Council deputy Oleksandr Ivanytskyi says at one of the meetings that he switches to "bad language". Some colleagues and activists accused him of disrespect for the state language.

Previously, we wrote about the pharmacist in an Odesa pharmacy refusing to switch to Ukrainian at the request of the customer. In response, the customer promised to file a complaint to the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language.

Kyiv поліція конфлікт Ukrainian language мовний скандал